Free toys make me happy. Open-ended toys make me even happier. Hence, we have a box of scrap wood in the backyard.
These pieces of junk wood have been many things: ramps for hot wheels, forts, guns for battling aliens, swords for slaying bad guys. Creativity blossoms when toys come without instructions or "right" ways to play with them.
This holiday season my girls proudly brought me outside to see their latest artwork. One glance and I ran back inside to get the camera.
Here we have a Nativity scene complete with parents, shepherds, and three wise guys. I ooed and awed. The girls beamed.
But there was more. Over by the swings were three crosses. They told me this was the reason that Jesus was born.
The three year old imparting wisdom. Stories of truth from the lips of the five year old.
Words from God's Word swirl in my head " not forget the thing your eyes have seen or let them slip from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them."
And at the foot of the slide were these. Their two great-grandmothers, Mammaw and Nana, in Heaven with God. These ladies whose names are part of our girls. Estelle. Marie.
I was a bit teary until they showed me God on top of the slide - a giant teapot with two balls inside. Man, I love these kids.
News Update to follow.