Thursday, May 30, 2013

Go Outside!

This has got to be the best Sesame Street video ever.  Every time I hear it, I want to have a dance party in my backyard...and give Elmo a big kiss.
This Jason Mraz guy's research is pretty good.  The National Association of Early Childhood Specialists in State Departments of Education says:
"recess is an essential component of education and that preschool and elementary school children must have the opportunity to participate in regular periods of active, free play with peers."

So, we go outside as much as possible here at Sunrise School.  Even the smallest love soakin' up the Vitamin D.

I try to give my kids as many open-ended "un-toys" to play with as possible.  Here we have pillows (pool noodles cut in half) around a pretend campfire.  The noodles have been guns, swords, horses, antenna, and light sabers.  The scrap wood is the same wood used by the kids for this.

And here's my newest and favorite outside toy, our music station.  PVC pipe + old cans = Big time fun.  I even got all kinds of crazy and let the kids spray paint it for me.


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