One may question if I have made a resolution. It is possible that I am a resolution junkie. My resolutions cannot be contained to just one once a year. I'm always resolving within myself to do or not do something or the other. Here is my current list of resolutions. This is in no way final or binding.
- Act in love first, not anger.
- Speak to my children with a kind tone of voice when I am frustrated.
- Read my Bible more.
- Call my grandmother more.
- Pray more.
- Get home earlier on Tuesday nights.
- Use lotion on my poor dry hands.
- Shave my legs more. (Not more of my leg, but more times.)
- Do the projects I pin on Pinterest.
- Cook different meals.
- Cut back on my chocolate intake. (I eat a truly alarming amount of it in any given day.)
- Pluck my eyebrows more frequently.
- Clean my house more.
- Not let the bushes take over the sidewalk.
- Plant some herbs.
- Try eating the veggies I make my kids eat.
- Work out. (Last on my list for many reasons.)
In other news: alligators (of course), sleeping disorders, animal cruelty, and reading.
And in even more recent news: neglected yard work, Hugsie (of course), programs, presents from dear friends, and visits to grandmas.
And you thought your life was busy.
HILARIOUS, i'm gonna ask my kids now!