"Yesternight" has become one of my favorite words. It has spawned the use of many other yester words among the kids: yestertime, yesterweek, yestermonth, etc. The possibilities are endless. I even find myself using a good yester word every so often.
It is nice to have a break from his standard alligator news of yesteryear. However, this one sentence has become his standard response to anything I ask him in the classroom. Even if he is not the leader for the day.
"Josiah, what color is this?"
"I saw a big, giant snake."
Hmmm.... "What are you most thankful for?"
"I saw a big, GIANT SNAKE!"
Uhhhh.... "What did you do yesternight?"
How many times do I have to say it? "I SAW A BIG GIANT SNAKE!"
Moving on. This is usually the only way to end our cyclical conversation. Love that kid.
In other news from yesterweek:
Disclaimer: I think spell check looks with a disapproving eye upon all our yester words. It is showing its disdain of these words by refusing to proof this post. My apologies for any errors.